The Fake Mace Place
Mace Windu Bad Mother

All Star Wars Trademarks © Lucasfilm LDT.
Site Design by The Graphics Kid. Updated 11/5/99
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I know you are saying "What the hell!" One day I was watching Star Wars Episode I for the fourth time all alone in a theater and after having taken in the reality that I had seen the movie, I started looking for screw-ups. One thing I love about the Star Wars movies is the abundance of fuck-ups, beeps, and blunders. The only thing is that you have to watch 'em about everyday for ten years to catch all of them. Well I'm older and have better brain control, so I looked for Phantom Phuck Ups. George Lucas sure relaxed when he made this flick because their are an abundant of stupid little mistakes that aren't really worth noting here (see The Nitpickers Guide for mistakes in tons of movies). The one thing that blew my mind was what my fellow Star Wars geek Trace Allen later dubbed "The Fake Mace".

Who is the Fake Mace
(and why should I care?)

I don't know why the hell you should care! I think its funny as hell! George Lucas has all this groundbreaking technology where he can manipulate moving images seamlessly, and he doesn't even use it to drop Samuel L. Jackson in pick-up shots at the Leavesden set doubling for Naboo city Theed.

You can see Fake Mace at the end of the film as the Jedi Knights follow Senator Palaptine off the Republic Cruiser. This happens after Qui-Gonn bites it (oops spoilers!). He's a hell of a lot younger and taller and in better shape than Sam Jackson. At first I thought he was just another bald human Jedi with dark skin. But this guy was dressed in the exact same robes as real Mace Windu. Palpy thanks Amidala and crew (also different! Check out the pages we have on Puffy Faced Obi Wan Kenobi, Fake Sio Bibble and long haired Jake Lloyd) for kicking ass as we first see close up that an intruder had invaded Leavesden. Fake Mace!

Whats the point of all this?

It's just hilarious!!!

fake maceLong Haired Jake LloydObi Wan Real Sio Bibble